1. The americans call "biscuit", cookies. 2.The americans call "trousers", pants 3.The British: chips-crisps The American: French fries-chips 4.The name of american flag is The Stars and Stripes
1.These famous characters from British legends are Robin Hood, The Loch Ness Monster and King Arthur. 2.The Loch Ness Monster does supposedly live in Scotland. 3.The city do you associate with Robin Hood is Nottingham. 4.The name another person connected to King Arthur are Queen Guinevere, Sir Lancelot, the Wizard Merlin, Sir Galahad.
1. Each sport are Cricket, golf, basketball and rugby. 2.The sport was not invented in the uk is basketball. 3. Say in football: nil, and tennis: love 4.Have Once(1996: England 4, West Germany 2)
1. These peoples are Ewan McGregor, Jude Law and Catherine Zeta-Jones. 2. Ewan Mcgregor-Scotland Jude Law-England Cathrine Zeta-Jones-Wales 3.His name is Michael Douglas. 4.Tom Jones.